Posted in Dyf at 12:57 am by admin
Lonny was honored to present to the Humboldt State University Business Partners Steering Committee Meeting. He presented on his service learning based, engineering courses as well as leveraging Appropedia. The presentation highlights many Engineering 215 projects.
Posted in Dyf at 5:00 pm by Lonny
The HSU Engr215 Rube Goldberg Inventions demonstrations of Fall 2009 were a great success. We had a variety of celebrity judges including teachers (thank you Dustin Poppendieck and Jessie Misha Cretser-Hartenstein), past students and a 9 year old (his birthday was last week).
Here are some of the Rube Goldberg photos:
[flickr tag=rgf09 num=20 size=Thumbnail ]
All of the projects went great, with each team completing… Continue reading
Posted in Dyf at 4:52 pm by Beth
On Friday participants shared what they learned from meeting with the engineers. They learned how to design a bridge on the computer, learned about TED and Appropedia projects. Lastly post assessments and a focus group assessment were completed. Participants left with their curriculum and equipment. Continue reading
Posted in Dyf at 9:17 pm by Beth
On Thursday participants learned about mechanical dissection/reverse engineering and the physics of bridges. Errin shared how his students build bridges out of manila folders. Participants had a pasta bridge design competition. Lastly, local professional engineers visited with participants to help them hone their curriculum ideas. Continue reading
Posted in Dyf at 5:28 pm by Beth
On Wednesday participants finished up the HyTec curriculum by calculating the efficiency of their electrolizer and fuel cell systems. They also learned about the future of hydrogen, visited the hydrogen fueling station and the hydrogen fuel car and completed a hydrogen design activity. Continue reading
Posted in Dyf at 10:37 pm by Beth
On Tuesday participants learned how to use the HyTEC curriculum by setting up an electrolizer, running a fan with a hydrogen fuel cell and learning about electro chemistry. Continue reading
Posted in Dyf at 4:12 pm by Beth
On Monday participants compared the engineering design process to the scientific process, designed and built foil penny holding vessels and explored heat transfer concepts by designing and building igloos for ice penguins. Continue reading
Posted in Dyf at 9:46 am by Lonny
Participants followed up their microhydro lab by using a PASCO microhydro learning device. Participants also made parabolic solar cookers in 1.5 hours with limited resources and roasted vegan marshmallows. Continue reading
Posted in Dyf at 10:29 am by Lonny
Participants learned to calculate max head, flow and power in a river, then went into the field to measure stride, head and flow and use them to calculate power. The participants also learned how to use tables to calculate head loss due to friction in pipes. Continue reading
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